We are a group of scientists who campaign to bring researchers closer together with schools, patients, and concerned citizens.
Our objective is to make these different publics understand and use different scientific methods. Methods of reasoning, argumentation and experimentation resulting from our research practice. The goal we are pursuing is to enable citizens to become active in choices on the major issues of science and society.
In 2004, we created the first open laboratory in Biology-Health for schools and patient associations, in Marseille, on the Luminy campus.
Since the birth of the Biology-Health Laboratory in 2004, other open laboratories for school children have been founded:
- The Mathematics laboratory in Marseille-Luminy (2005),
- The Water and Environment laboratory in Vittel (2016),
- The Renewable Energies and Energy Control Laboratory in Metz (2016) and the Biology and Microbiology Laboratory in Nancy, which is also the pioneer among our labs in participatory sciences (2018).
We form the network of Tous Chercheurs laboratories, each under different tutelage (Inserm, Aix Marseille University, IREM, University of Lorraine, INRA and Tous Chercheurs associations, and Vigie de l’eau). The network of Tous Chercheurs open laboratories intends to expand on other university campuses and/or research centres.